For centuries, women in the arts have been underrepresented and undervalued across the world. Their works are less likely to be featured in art museums, galleries, and auction houses than those of men, and they often face disadvantages in terms of selling prices. This brings us to the goal of Inheritance.

EMAX Beauté has always been more than just a beauty centre. As the founder of Beauté Library, Emily Loo envisioned creating a safe space for women to thrive and champion self-love, providing the environment needed to empower each and every woman to be their unapologetic individual self.

Photos taken of the artworks by @jd_chang on Instagram
The organised event is just one of many efforts towards this idealistic goal of our visionary founder. With a diverse team of both men and women who believe in equal rights, we have all poured in the effort to present a platform that not only showcases the astounding talents of each woman artist featured but also challenges the misogynistic norms that oppress women's artistic expression because of their gender.

To solidify the cause of this event, EMAX Beauté partnered with the Women's Aid Organisation (WOA) in the pursuit of substantive equality, fighting for the rights of every woman and spreading awareness about the much-needed support for women in need.

In addition to the art exhibition, we added a unique twist by inviting women-owned businesses to participate in a special pop-up market. These proprietors were given free space to showcase their products and services, creating an opportunity for attendees to support and uplift women in business, reinforcing our commitment to empowering women in all spheres of life.

With vibrantly beautiful art pieces showcased at APW and inspiring talks addressing gender bias in the workplace were in session, Inheritance demonstrated the possibility of organising an event that is both artistic and educational.